Meet Our Fantastic Team
Bringing Joy and Fun to Every Child's Day!

Hi parents! It’s about time we met and it’s about time you had a place of your own. I’m Danielle, busy mom of 3 juggling and navigating the craziness of life.
As rewarding as those early toddler years are, I know all too well the thought every morning going through my head, “What am I going to do with them today?!”
I’ve personally exhausted every activity I could think of to keep them busy. Libraries, parks, too many fast-food playgrounds, splash pads (ah the joys of packing the towels and sunscreen, snacks and hats), the gyp (yup, I’ve checked them into the kids club before just to get a breather!).
Then there were the days where I’d think, let’s just take it easy and play at home… Only for the house to be turned upside down into a fort and we’ve done play-doh and painting and water play and snacks (about 1,000 snacks). And it’s barely 10am.
Parents, we needed a place to go that’s as much for us as them. I couldn’t find one, so I created it.
I wanted a modern, fun environment that energized us first but also provided the playtime, activities and outlets our littles need. And where we can sit and have a conversation, enjoy a cup of coffee, send that email all while they’re within eyesight. A place just for this pint-sized age where they can run around without you having to chase them.
And when they’re tired of that, our independent aged tots can move on to the activity room where they can color, dance and craft under the guidance of our amazing Miss Alexa. Our large monitors throughout stream live video so you can still have eyes on them while you continue enjoying doing you.
This is the play place you’ve been waiting for. Let us handle the chaos and fun and keep the play-doh, paint and mess out of your home.
Bio coming soon

Meet Ava!
Ava is my original wild child and the inspiration behind my vision for Play & Stay. While it wasn’t built in time for Ava to use, it’s a pretty cool circle moment that she can now help me with its creation 🙂
Ava will be onsite to facilitate play, assist with activities and help your little ones on the playground. She has logged countless big sister and babysitter hours with my youngest 2. She worked summers at their preschool and has a tremendous love for kids.
Ava’s an accomplished cheerleader, fortunate enough to have cheered at the collegiate level. She is currently a sophomore in college and excited to be able to continue working with children.

A Word About Our Facilities
Our facility is equipped to accomodate children from ages 0-6 for maximum play and safety. For the younger ones, we offer a separate area with softer playground toys.
Play & Stay is the play place you always wished existed but could never find. Beautiful facilities with structurally sound design keep kids safe and protected while allowing adults to supervise with ease. And best of all, for every kid, it’s pure FUN!
Our flagship location meant for family fun in Scottsdale, Arizona, is mindfully designed for families to feel welcome, inspired, comfortable and safe.
It’s the indoor playground that helps you bond with your family, and lets out your children’s energy in a contained, fun environment.
We’re here to help boost children’s creativity with an indoor playground that features interactive toys, imaginative play areas, arts & crafts, activities and a beautiful play structure customized for this tiny age group.
Our parent area allows for parents to get some work done and be productive (or just scroll through the ‘Gram), and meet other parents, while their children are learning and playing.
We are located right in central Scottsdale, Arizona, with convenient 101 Freeway access and plenty of parking.